
Daniel (Danny) Lance Wright, Author

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Taking Care of Business

The infamous “They” say that the only two sure things in this life are death and taxes. I’d like to add to this list the certainty that people will always exist that want to take what is not theirs to take and they don’t care whom they harm in the process.

If anyone receives an email from my hotmail account (that begins with wrightthing), please disregard it. That email account has been hijacked and I no longer have control or even access to it. And, unfortunately, I don’t have enough information that is different from the hijacker’s to prove that it is indeed my email account. If the wrightthing email happens to be in your email contact list, eliminate it. And, I apologize if you get an email asking for $500 to finance my trip home from west Africa. I don’t need the money and I’m not in west Africa. I can’t say for sure if I’ll ever need $500 but I can say definitively I’ll never be in west Africa.

Now, on to happier things; I have a book signing scheduled for Saturday, November 13th, 10a till 2p at Hastings in Waco at Bosque Blvd and Valley Mills Drive. It will feature my latest novel, “The Last Radiant Heart” but I’ll also have available the popular earlier novel, “Paradise Flawed”.

If you’re within driving distance, please drop by so I can shake your hand.

Daniel (Danny) Lance Wright

Author of

"Paradise Flawed"/Dream Books LLC/2009

"Six Years' Worth"/Father's Press/2007

"The Last Radiant Heart"/Virtual Tales/August 2010

"Where Are You, Anne Bonny?"/Rogue Phoenix Press/ ebook available now 2010

“Trouble”, short story/CrossTIME Science Fiction Anthology, Vol. IX


“Defining Family”/Virtual Tales

“Annie’s World: Jake’s Legacy/Virtual Tales

1 comment:

  1. Hackers need to be tarred, feathered, drawn & quartered--or just need a face-to-face with their hackee--or fist to mouth. By the way, I'm enjoying THE LAST RADIANT HEART. I can wade though mud faster than I read, but I do get to the other side eventually. If I can venture out of Brenham on the 13th, I'll stop in and meet a fellow VT author.
